Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Writing Workshop

My Achievements
When i look back over my life I realize that I have Achieved a lot but there are two in particular that are really important to me like becoming a team leader in basketball and becoming a member of HOSA.

Being in basketball as some might say is no big deal. But to me it is when you are a 5'1", and a minority senior. I am the only person of color on my team and I think that says a lot. Because my school is a prodominently white school, I feel like it's my job to stand up and be counted for. At my school right now, female sports are dominating. It is not easy to be a female athlete at my school right now. It is also not easy being 5'1". I am the shortest person on the team and it used to effect me but I have realized that I'm not getting any taller so I need to work with what I have, embrace my flaws and that is exactly what I have done. On the court people underestimate me because of my height and think that I can't do much but quickly do they find out that short people are quick, and harder to guard. For me to be a minority and be a leader on the basketball team is a big achievement for me. I worked so hard to get where I am. There have been times when I force myself to get up at 5 O'clock in the morning and get an extra work out in before I get to school just so that I'm on the same level as everyone else on my team. I always wanted to fit in with the team and make an impact and after my freshmen year, I got my chance to make things happen. Now I am a strong leader on the team. Last year I got a chance to help lead my team to the state tournament in Lincoln. To me this is very big for me because when I was in Jr. High I would come to the high school games sit with my parents and imagine when I would get my chance. I set some goals for myself and step by step I accomplished them. Now I plan on continuing to be a leader and hopefully help lead my team to state again next year to Lincoln for another state Tournement.

Being a member of HOSA is another achievement to me. HOSA stands for Health Occupations Students of America. It is not easy being in HOSA. You attend meetings, go to confrences and and you must get involved in the community. This is important to me because I feel like this has helped me with my future goals. I plan on becoming a Physician and HOSA helps me to set my goals high and provides guidlines and guidence on how to achieve them. This past week I was able to attend a National Leadership Confrence in Dallas, TX. This was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I didn't realize how good of a decsion I made on going to Dallas until I got there. It was so insightful. Now I have a foundation and I know where to start. HOSA has opened my eyes to all the health professions out there. I'm glad I'm apart of HOSA and now I know I am making the right decision about my future!

Important Issues to Me
To me the Presidential election is extremely important. I am older now and I do understand what is going on in politics. I think that it is important for me to stay informed and educated about this issue because it is something that in the long run effects my future. I personally think that the election is important to me because this is the first time that the candadates were either African American or a women. This is huge to me because this is a first. Being an African American and a female it was a plus because both candadates related to me in some way. I am really glad that Obama won though because I honestly think he could change the United States for the better. It just seems like now that things are really starting to move for minorities and Obama is the perfect person to lead!
Who Has Been an Influence???
I think one of the most influencial people in my life would have to be my mom. She is such an inspiration to me. She has taught me that you can beat any odds. My mom is kind of like my best friend. She is always there to hear my problems and gives me advice even when I don't want to hear it! My mom has made sacrifices for myself and my family. She has a drive like no other person I know. When ever I need something and I don't know where I'm getting it from, I can always count on her to come out of nowhere and provide whatever it is that I need. She is a very loving and caring individual. I think that I am like her in so many ways. She has helped me decisions that could have broken me if I didn't have her help! My mom is my inspiration!
Another influencial person in my life is my dad. He has taught me not to ever give up. He has been through so much in the past two years that has changed his life forever. He has battled cancer and survived and that is not something that everyone can put on their resume! My dad is a great leader and person. He always gives even when he doesn't have it to give. He plays the role of my father but also my friend. I love his sense of humor and laid back, down to earth personality. I have learned from him that no matter what obsticles I face, I can accomplish my goals and not to ever let anything get in my way!
Why I Want to Attend UNO
I feel that UNO is a great school. I love the atmosphere of the campus. Everyone is so nice and willing to be of help. I also like the size of the school. UNO is perfect for me because it is diverse and a great school altogether. Since I have attended UNO for the summer class I have noticed a change in myself. I feel like I am more responsible, more open to new experiences and ready to grow as a person. The teachers, students, and staff have all helped me in many different ways. I have learned from this experience that going off to college isn't necessary. I have everything that I need right here. I also have great connections here. UNO is a great university and I would be proud to attend.

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